Skin Nutrition:

What you eat matters. You can nourish your skin from both inside and out. Our skin also reflects our eating habits. To maintain healthy skin you can eat fruits and vegetables which are high in antioxidants such as beta carotene (beta carotene is a precursor of vitamin A). Vitamins C, E and A also help in maintaining health of skin.

Skin damage also occurs due to some external factors which include medication and pregnancy. Different people give different advices on what to do to maintain the perfect skin using a specific nutrition plan.

Skin is the largest organ of your body and skin health is dependent largely on your diet. As skin goes through many cycles of renewal and repair, All the required nutrients should be supplied with minerals to help repair and maintain the skin. The skin is mostly exposed to dust, so it undergoes many changes which may lead to various skin diseases like inflammation, pimples, dry skin and other skin disorders.

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